
The site is published by the company RAISE SHERPAS

Endowment Fund: RAISESHERPAS

Head office: 39 bd de la Tour Maubourg - 75007 PARIS

Constitution: July 16, 2013

Publication in the JO of the creation: August 3, 2013

SIREN NUMBER: 798 126 439

Chairman: Eric Coisne

Statutory Auditor            


Phone: +33 (0)1 84 17 09 09


Host: OVH

Design and creation: Clémence LETELLIER and Meryl Benitah -

Intellectual property

RAISE SHERPAS is the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights relating to the structure of the "" website. It is also the owner, in particular, of the texts, photographs, videos, hypertext links, RSS feeds and databases, created by it or by third parties on its behalf, which appear on the " " Internet site.

All logos, trademarks, other distinctive signs, visuals, photographs, texts, comments, illustrations, drawings, and images reproduced on the website "" are subject to copyright and intellectual property rights. Any total or partial reproduction of these elements and of the “” Internet site is there fore strictly forbidden without the prior written agreement of the company RAISE SHERPAS and is likely to constitute an infringement of copyright, as provided for in ArticlesL 335-2 et seq. and L716-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code(punishable by three years' imprisonment and a fine of 300,000 euros).

The user of the Internet site" " undertakes not to use the content of the site as well as all the information brought to his or her knowledge in a way that could infringe the rights of RAISE SHERPAS, one of its commercial partners and advertisers or any third party and that their use never constitutes an infringement or an act of unfair competition.